Wednesday, February 11, 2009


12-What does that number mean to me today?

Is it the number of kisses I got from Ty today? No (I think I got at least 30)
Is it the number of times we watched Thomas the Train? No (2 times)
Is it the number that Ty can count to? No (he actually can count to 19...on a good day)
Is it how many times I answered the phone today? No, 5 times
Is it the number of emails I sent today? No, I sent 3
Is it the number of poopy diapers I changed today? YES!!

Tatum poops a lot normally, she averages about 6 poopy diapers a day but today Ty had to join her and poop like crazy too. I know it's TMI but I think I was going to scream if I had to change another stinky poopy diaper. Before I was a parent I would look at other people's parenting and say, I can't believe they just did that. The kids were both up a 6 this morning and I was tired and Ty was throwing a fit every time I changed his diaper so I bribed him with jelly beans. It worked, he would just lay there and then I didn't have to worry about getting poop everywhere. I know, it's Parenting 101 by me. Normally I like to put a picture on each post, but I didn't think you needed to see a picture of a poopy diaper.

1 comment:

Audra said...

Ok, that's insane! I feel so sorry for you. If anybody looks down on you for giving Ty some goodies to calm him down, then they've probably never experienced anything like what you are going through! Do whatever it takes to get through that madness.:)

And thank you so much for your kind comment on my blog! It made my day. Did you notice that Kayla made a similar comment on the same post? Are you guys twins or what!