Monday, March 23, 2009

Round Two

The little things make me excited. Like going to Costco! I love Costco, even if I just have to buy the essentials like TP, paper towels, laundry detergent, etc. On Saturday after Pat's game (which they won!) and after watching the Huskies play I decided to go to Costco. Just thinking about going to Costco makes me happy. So I bet you get it now that costco makes me happy. Anyways, I was on my way with Tater and I hear a gagging noise, I look back and Tatum is completely covered in puke! So I pulled over and cleaned her up and back home we went. I felt bad for Tatum because this is the second time in about a month that she has had the stomach flu! So I was bummed I couldn't go to Costco but actually it all worked out well because I thought Costco closed at 7pm but it was actually 6pm so I would have gotten all the way over there and it would have been closed. Tatum woke up puking in the middle of the night and she just wanted to lay on us on Sunday. I still wanted to go to Costco. So, Ty and I went to costco on Sunday morning and it was so cute. Ty wanted to wear his Lightning McQueen bike helmet. So I let him and he wore in Costco and all the way home. It is so funny watching people look at Ty. I didn't know if they thought he was wearing a "special" helmet or if they knew he was just a two year old who wants to wear his bike helmet everywhere. It cracked me up!


The Gagon's said...

That's hillarious! A "special helmet!" hahaha

On a more serious note any suggestions for getting kids to wear their helmets? Jordan won't wear his and we want to start biking with him soon....

Anonymous said...

That is so funny! I love it. Thanks for sharing the story, it's making crack up.

Love yah!

Auntie Kay