On Thursday Kirsty watched the kids and made a big blanket tent in the middle our living room using EVERY blanket that they could find. They used our tall kitchen chairs on the outside and put one in the middle to hold it up. My kids loved and Ty wanted it to stay like that all night and sleep in it but we were having the Johnston's over to watch the Husky game so Pat had to take it down.
What makes me not happy is when my son who is 3 years and 4 months old poops in his unders four times in one day. Two weeks ago, he was 95% potty trained, now I guess he is just "pee" trained, ugh!!!!!!!!! He tells me that he isn't big enough to poop on the potty even though he was pooping on the potty last week everytime. I am fed up with potty training this little boy!I guess I have to go back to bribing him every time. I think I am going to make a poo chart and every 7 times or so he can get a prize (from the dollar store!). Anyone have any ideas? Please help!
I love the fact that I am teaching kindergarten now instead of fourth grade. I get to use a lot of what I do with my students with my own kids. I got a new cd for my classroom and I took it home so I can familiarize myself with the cd before I use it with my students and guess who sat there for 45 minutes listening to every song? I am just as surprised as you are, Ty! He loved the cd. I am so glad and it made me very happy.
In the last month our kindergarten got a new handwriting program, Handwriting Without Tears. I love it because it uses several different ways to teach letter writing. One of the parts is using wood pieces to make the capital letters. Ty loves using the pieces to make letters, words,his name, and shapes.
We went over to my friend Lianna's house on Friday night for dinner. Ty and Xavier had a great time playing together and tormenting Tatum. Lianna and I had a fun time baking cookies. I forgot my camera so if you want to see pics from the evening you can click here.
One of my former volleyball players, Kirsty, has been watching the kids on Thursdays. I was talking to Kirsty about how the day went and she was telling the events of the day and she mentioned that Ty spelled the word "pop." She said he wrote the word and showed it to her and said, "Look, I just wrote the word pop," and proceeded to sound out each letter. She ended up doing more words with him. He would write some and then she wrote words while he would sound them out. So I got home and I asked him to write pop for me, luckily I caught him in a good mood and he wrote if for me. Then he wrote DAD by sounding out the letters himself. Ty's "A" looks like a squiggly "H" but it is supposed to an "A."
Grandma Maggie watches the kids on Tuesdays. This Tuesay Ty had a complete meltdown when I was leaving for work and wanted me to stay. I was flattered and annoyed at the same time. I had to pry Ty off me to leave. The only way Grandma Maggie got him to calm down was to promise to call his buddy Riley to see if he could come over. Luckily Cari (our babysitter who has Riley and baby Kayleigh) was available to come over. My kids absolutely love baby Kayleigh and Riley too!